Created by: DORNA
Mačiatka H
Dátum narodenia / Date of Birth: | 26.12.2008 | |
Rodičia/Parents: |
Otec: Father: | CH. Golden Wolly vom Wahrberg *D | BRI ny 11 |
Matka: Mother: | CH. Martinelli"s Inoush *D | BRI ns 22 64 |
Mačiatka/Kittens: |
0 x kocúrik/male |
6 x mačička/female |
Meno & Foto Name & Photo |
Sfarbenie Color |
Pohlavie Sex |
Nový domov New home |
Happiness |
Čierna striebristá bodkovaná Black silver spotted tabby NS 24 64 |
Brno CZ |
Hope |
Čierna striebristá bodkovaná Black silver spotted tabby NS 24 64 |
Brno CZ |
Honey |
Čierna striebristá bodkovaná Black silver spotted tabby NS 24 64 |
Banská Bystrica Slovakia |
Holly |
Čierna striebristá bodkovaná Black silver spotted tabby NS 24 64 |
Banská Bystrica Slovakia |
Halle Berry |
Čierna zlatá bodkovaná Black golden spotted tabby NY 24 |
Levice Slovakia |
Hot Chocolate |
Čierna zlatá bodkovaná Black golden spotted tabby NY 24 |
Brno CZ |
3 týždeň/weeks | 4 týždeň/weeks | 5 týždeň/weeks | 6 týždeň/weeks | 7 týždeň/weeks |
Happiness | ||||
Hope | ||||
Honey | ||||
Holly | ||||
Halle Berry | ||||
Hot Chocolate |
26-ho decembra sa nám narodili mačiatka od Inoush a Wollyho. Mini rodinka Bodkovaných má šesť členov, dvaja drobčekovia sú zlatí bodkovaní a štyria sú strieborní bodkovaní. Ešte kým boli mačiatka v mamičkinom brušku, vyzeralo to na futbalový tím, tak kopali. Po narodení nás čakalo malé prekvapenie, náš futbalový tím je dievčenská šestka ☻. V priebehu len necelých troch hodín boli na svete naše prvé šestorčatká v tomto roku.*********** On 26th of December were born the babies from our Inoush and Wolly. The mini spotted family has six members, two minikins are in golden tabby spotted coat and the other four minikins are silver tabby spotted. During the time in mother"s tummy, it seemed to me there´ll be futball team born, so much were the babies kicking. It was a big surprise to find out that there are no boys, but six girls:) They were born in the time shorter then three hours and it is our first sextett in this year. Each one of the girls had a weight around 85g. Happy mother Inoush has a lot of pleasure with all of them.
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