Created by: DORNA
Kittens N2 of Silver Legend
CH. Diamond - PRO Olympus*RU BRI ns 11 |
& |
J´adore Jewel of Crazy Blue*CZ BRI ns 11 33 |
Diamond-PRO Garfield*RU – BRI NY 11 IC. Silver Emotion von Lisa´s Traum*D – BRI NS 11 |
Sir Amadeus from Irena Dreams*DE - BRI NS 11 33 Vannili-Vee Crazy Blue*CZ - BRI ns 11 33 |
Mačiatka N
Koniec septembra priniesol do nášho domu opäť čas plný lásky a sladkých momentov pri pohľade na najmladšie detičky. Materinská láska je nekonečná a tá najväčšia.
Osud našim drobčekom daroval dve náhradné maminky, WooW a Savannah, a z času na čas ako výhrevnú perinku aj Vannilli :)
Stály dohľad poslušnosti drží tetuška Butterfly :)
Predstavujeme prvé detičky našej najmladšej maminky, J´adore Jewel of Crazy Blue*CZ, vrh N, v tom najsladšom zložení: Nutella, Nanuk a Nougat.
The end of September brought to our home a time full of love and sweet moments in looking at the youngest babies. A mother"s love is infinite and the largest.
The fate gives two spare moms WooW and Savannah to our babies, from time to time as heating blankets also Vannilli :) ongoing supervision of obedience holds Auntie Butterfly :)
We are introducing the first babies of the youngest mothers, J"adore Jewel of Crazy Blue CZ, litter N, in the sweetest composed of Nutella, Nanuk and Nougat.
Meno - Name | Sfarbenie - Color | Pohlavie/Sex | New Home |
Nanuk | BRI NS 11 33 | Slovakia | |
Nougat | BRI AS 33 | Slovakia | |
Nutella | BRI AS 25 | Slovakia |